Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The benefits of globalization outweigh its cost. How far...

The term globalization is defined as growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services, free international capital flows, and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. All definitions appear to agree that globalization has economic, political, cultural, and technological aspects that may be closely intertwined by the International Monetary Fund . Benefits is defined as advantage or profit and cost is defined as the effort or loss necessary to achieve something by the Oxford dictionary of Current English. We agree to a large extent to the statement, The benefits of globalization outweigh its cost. Even though there are some†¦show more content†¦Although many may not pay attention to this aspect, but nowadays, as the Earth is getting more and more polluted, people also start to pay more emphasis on protecting the Earth. Globalization have indeed improved communications and raised the awareness of everyone around the world. Contrastively, globalization itself has great damage to the environment. Due to developed countries going into developing countries to exploit their resources, the natural resources is depleting at a rapid speed, yet we are still not doing enough to stop it. As there are strict laws regarding the environment in developed countries, these companies turn their eyes onto developing countries whose environmental laws are more relaxed in comparison. As these developing countries also want to earn revenue and income that these companies bring, they open the door to them, but destroying Mother Earth at the same time. Thirdly, globalization has also effects on human socially, in their cultural and way of thinking. As countries always need to corporate with each other when they do some investment or business together, as neighbors engage in communication to determine their shared goals, and how they wish to live. Therefore globalization allows humanity to work together as a team towards noble goals rather than as individuals grasping to meet their own needs. Countries can bond to each others more closely. This way, interacting between different races and religion facilitates and we can understandShow MoreRelatedInternational Business5797 Words   |  24 PagesChapter 01 Globalization True / False Questions 1. (p. 4) The notion that national economies are relatively self-contained entities is on the rise. FALSE 2. (p. 4) For the last 50 years, the volume of goods, services and investment crossing national borders has consistently expanded faster than world output. TRUE 3. 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