Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Significance of Outsourcing in Business Free-Samples Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Importance of Outsourcing in Business. Answer: Introduction Outsourcing in business has become quite prevalent in the contemporary business. This is becoming increasingly popular in the contemporary world. Many companies have already considered the process while many new companies have accepted the benefits of outsourcing. The globalization effect and the cost effectiveness of the process have made this a popular business process. However, despite of several benefits of the outsourcing it has some disadvantages as well. In the outsourcing of the business parent companies generally do not have any direct control over the outsource branches. It is because of such factor that the quality of the outsource locations is not as per the quality of the parent company (Kang, M., Wu, Hong and Park 2012). Nevertheless, companies are still passionate about the concepts because they see this as a cost effective process, which is never possible with the business in the parent company (Massini and Miozzo 2012). This paper is a reflective journal on the attac hed research proposal, which has shown some works on the facts of business outsourcing. The main purpose of this paper is to write a reflective journal on the learnt materials from the provided research proposal on the business outsourcing. Effectiveness and usefulness of the learning experience- The learning experiences from the various lectures in the university courses are very useful for my future courses and the career ahead. The learning would help me conduct further works of research on some selected topic comprehensively. This is very necessary for doing a dissertation, which is also a part of the academic course. The learning experience is also helpful for my career because it is helping me with utmost knowledge on several topics that are useful for a practical business world. I am a student of Business Administration and this is important for me to be acquainted with such topics. How the learning process is useful- Course- The learning process is highly useful for the course as the academic courses do contain various research proposal and dissertation as well. The learning process through the entire lectures has widely covered the various aspects of a research proposal, which made me become acquainted with the subject topic. There are high scopes for the research works in academics, which is why the learning process is extremely helpful for my future courses (Sreejesh, Mohapatra and Anusree 2014). Program- The learning process is also helpful my future program as I am pursuing postgraduate in Business Administration and these kinds of learnings are of high use for me. The Business Administration program is can best its benefits is the students are comprehensively acquainted with the practical business world. The learning process is very guiding and supporting for my program in the university. Future career- The learning that the provided assignments provide is of high importance for my career. This is because it covers some very practical and widely popular contents of a business world. Business outsourcing is highly practiced process across the globe. The knowledge that I have gathered from the assignment is extremely helpful for my career as a graduate business professionals. Life- The assignment and the learning experience from the assignment is highly beneficial for a prospect career. Nevertheless, a prospect career brings a peaceful life as well. Details of the entire learning process- The learning process has covered the primary resources for conducting the research on the chosen topic. The primary resources are used in this process to get the most authentic responses on the topic. A semi-structured interview with the Human Resource Department would be used for the research on outsourcing. An online survey would also be conducted with the customers (Hair 2015). Evaluation of the learning- The assignment has helped me to understand the importance of outsourcing in business. Business outsourcing has become an increasingly spreading affair for the contemporary business (Mani, Barua and Whinston 2012). This is because it has provided utmost benefits to the different organizations. Outsourcing has become a good source to cut on the costs and enhance the profit margin for the company (Holweg and Pil 2012). Some countries such as India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan have comparatively low labour costs. Low labour costs in such countries are attracting many companies to outsource some of their business. Outsourcing has brought many benefits to such organizations such as cost effectiveness, low burden on the HRM, skipping the strict government rules in the parent country, attaining the best business environment in the target country and many others (Awino and Mutua 2014). They are getting cheap labours in such countries. Some portions of their works are getting reduced with t he help of outsourcing. The subject study, which are depicted in the provided assignments have largely influenced me as a learner. It helped me to learn some of the most important aspects of a business world. Business outsourcing is a broad concept, which is adding new dimensions to its scope with the gradual passage of time (Yang, Wacker and Sheu 2012). The assignment is a research proposal on outsourcing, which would consider the primary resources to get the best results (Qaisar and Khawaja 2012). The assignment and the lecture notes have helped on how to design a research paper. This would extensively help me in my various future works, which is necessary for a successful completion of the entire program. Moreover, to become a graduate professional a sound theoretical knowledge of the subject and a practical understanding of some related business practices are necessary. Lessons learnt The assignment and the lecture notes have not only taught me the process needed to design a research work but it has also helped me in knowing some factual thing about the practical business world. The practical business world is much different to what taught in the academics. It differs in the practices, which itself depend on various organizations and their ethical considerations. The lecture notes are a good source of learning whereas the provided assignment is a good source to understand the practical business world. Reason for the particular activity- The particular activity is chosen because it excited my attention towards this particular term. I am also a student of Business Administration and it is very important for me to be acquainted with the most practical world of business. To enhance my academic standard and to enhance my business capabilities I had chosen the topic. Practical application of the learning- The learning finds its application in wide terms in practical life. Outsourcing has already become a widely prevalent used business practice across the globe (Handley and Benton 2012). It was important for me to be familiar with the subject topic to give me a good understanding of the practical business. This is necessary for me that I complete my academics with good grades, which is never possible without a proper learning. Moreover, the provided lecture notes are one of the tools that build up the foundation of a proper learning. It is important for me as well that I become a graduate professional after the completion of academics, which would be highly needed for getting a good job. The chosen subject would help me because this has supplied to me some practical facts of the business outsourcing. These are some of the business terms, which would help me in my business career further. Conclusion The lecture notes are very informative and educative as well. They teach me some basics of a research works, which is needed to purse a successful academic career in universities. The assignment is informative as well as this supply some very useful findings of business outsourcing. Business outsourcing has become an integral aspect of business practices, which is day-by-day growing in its popularity. It has lessened a portion of burden from the parent company. References Awino, Z.B. and Mutua, J.M., 2014. Business process outsourcing strategy and performance of Kenyan state corporations.Journal of emerging trends in economics and management sciences,5(7), pp.37-43. Hair, J.F., 2015.Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe. Handley, S.M. and Benton, W.C., 2012. 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